Thursday, December 27, 2012

Winding down 2012

Nothing much happening on a misty, dreary day on the the Texas Gulf Coast besides listening to a little Willie Nelson, so............

One of my favorite images from Bosque Del Apache. A Sandhill Crane departs a pond in early morning. I haven't decided this is a bird photo, a scenic or nature photo. Maybe all of the above.

A Snow Goose takes a drink of ice cold water, again at Bosque Del Apache.

You can't tell me this guy isn't aware of what's going on down below.

Must not be any Coke machines,  Red Bull or hot coffee around. It seems that wildlife only drinks water!

On the way to Aransas National Wildlife Refuge (back in Texas again) I pulled over to the side of the road to observe this Northern Harrier. It wasn't long before a Mockingbird came up and started slamming into the back of the hawk. Almost knocked it off it's perch a couple of times. This is a fairly sizable crop.

Here's another hawk that flew in front of me while I was standing on the boardwalk, Port Aransas, TX.  They're fast when coming straight at the camera and almost impossible (for me) to get in focus.

A juvenile Black-Crowned Night Heron that flew directly at me, again at the Bird Center, Port Aransas, TX. This is the only frame that came out sharp, and it's a full-frame uncropped image. Got lucky on this one.

Yes, Marianne. If you're reading this I'm saving as I go along.

One more hawk photo. It seems that a lot of people get excited to see hawks/raptors. I'm usually just as excited to get a picture that's in focus. While I enjoy taking bird photos but am looking forward to 2013 and moving on to the Hill Country and getting a few landscapes and some Texas Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrush. So, Happy New Year to all!