Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 3 of blog

I knew yesterday would be a hard one to beat. The only way it could have gone any better would have been if a herd of elephants had waltzed past my camera. I've never even see a herd of elephants, much less to have one waltz past.

It was misty on the water this morning, and these ducks were there, but then they're always there.

Little Moe, the Green Heron, was back again this morning. That's a pretty good crop as those stick-ups are pretty far off. Big Moe, the Great Blue Heron, was there as well. but a fisherman came up and ran him off. Big Moe perched up in a tree and preened, but I haven't included that photo.

This is the fisherman casting his net for "cutbait." As the serene morning was now disturbed, I left for home early. I may clean house....... or take a nap.

and so it goes......

Monday, August 30, 2010

Thank God it's Monday!

Weekends, unless I have plans, I seldom live the house so I look forward to less activity at my little "hide-a-way" on Monday mornings. The comings and goings of fisherman and families usually keep the wildlife stirred up, so the work week is something I look forward to.

This morning I attached the 1.4 teleconverter to the 200-400mm in attempt to capture a Great Blue Heron in the water with a fish in it's mouth. When arrived at my favorite spot there wasn't even any geese in sight, but listening to the birds chirping and the calmness of the water was still more than rewarding.

There is a "stick-up" of branches in the water that I've tried to capture many times, but never with any success. While I was pondering how to try again this Green Heron flew up and landed on one of the branches. Perfect!

Since the image is a little soft NIK Glamor glow was applied a little heavily.

This image is a little sharper. I haven't seen many Green Heron's so was pleasantly surprised to get one of these guys on the stick-ups.

Meanwhile, the regular Great Blue Heron landed behind me, so I vacated the immediate area to give him the opportunity to fish in peace.

While I was standing away from the heron about six deer appeared on the opposite shoreline. At least 3 of them were fawns, so I walked back out to get a little closer and was fortunate enough to capture these two:

These were the only two that didn't run off at my approach. Finished with the deer, I backed away and this Green Heron assumed my spot.

Meanwhile, the Great Blue Heron caught his breakfast.

While I wasn't able to get him in the water, still in all I'd say it was a pretty productive morning.
Now it's time for a nap. I hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Early morning light

Early morning is my favorite time to be out with a camera. The light is usually better then, and nature is usually fresh after a night of rest. These geese had over-nited on the Occoquan River in Virginia, and were lifting off to parts unknown.