Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 3 of blog

I knew yesterday would be a hard one to beat. The only way it could have gone any better would have been if a herd of elephants had waltzed past my camera. I've never even see a herd of elephants, much less to have one waltz past.

It was misty on the water this morning, and these ducks were there, but then they're always there.

Little Moe, the Green Heron, was back again this morning. That's a pretty good crop as those stick-ups are pretty far off. Big Moe, the Great Blue Heron, was there as well. but a fisherman came up and ran him off. Big Moe perched up in a tree and preened, but I haven't included that photo.

This is the fisherman casting his net for "cutbait." As the serene morning was now disturbed, I left for home early. I may clean house....... or take a nap.

and so it goes......


  1. Kelvin very nice. Love the shape of the branch that the green heron likes. Fishermen can be annoying but sometimes make great subjects. Cutbait?

  2. Thanks, Nancy.

    The fisherman was casting his net in the water to catch small fish he could use as cut bait. I'm not sure kind of cut bait is legal in VA. Some are, some aren't, but I'm not the game warden.

  3. I meant to say the game warden would know. I would have seen the expression on the fisherman's face if a game warden had pulled up.
