Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Quest continues

The quest to capture an image of Big Moe bringing his catch out of the water continued this morning.

James, a professional photographer based out of D.C. arrived with his boat for some morning fishing. He can be found out here most mornings, and I do believe he likes fishing more than photography. Quite a few of the photographers that I know like to get away from the "office" and pursue other hobbies while leaving the cameras at work.

This is James with what appears to be a fish on his line. While the 200-400mm is a great lens, it appears to be at it's best closer in, than at greater distances. This fish got off his hook before he could bring it in the boat.

The beavers were active this morning, and this guy was swimming towards me. I believe they have a nest of some sort underneath the dock as I could hear them doing whatever it is they do under there. I had to move to a location that is not as good as the spot that I normally photograph from as fishermen again invaded my territory. Boat fisherman don't disturb the wildlife, but the guys that fish off the docks are a little more intimidating to the wildlife. It's a public spot so I can't complain, but don't these people have jobs?

This is a close-up of the beaver that was close to being within the minimum focusing distance. He went down below the dock and I soon heard some gnawing on the wooden dock directly beneath me.

Big Moe was there, and here he appears to be hiding from the gulls. Herons must be territorial as he spread his wings and charged these birds more than once when they got too close. This is the far end of the dock I was sitting on, sans goose droppings. Moe flew off without me witnessing a catch.

The quest continues.

and so it goes.....

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