Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dear Abby

The tumor  that came suddenly grew large and fast and caused you much discomfort. When you wouldn't clean your bowl I knew it wouldn't be long before the end would be in sight. You always looked at me with love in your eyes, even when I held your head in my lap after your last ride. The decision was hard, one I hated to make. Hopefully you're pain free now, and don't hold me to blame.

I'll miss our morning and evening walks, my day won't be the same. You watched over me while I watered the flowers out back, it was your favorite spot. Whenever I returned to the house from a trip without you, you were happy to see me, and would greet me at the door. I guess that made your day.

You were my best friend, and I miss you already, even though I complained about you a lot. Now you can snore all you like, and slobber and shed.  No one will criticize you for the things you can't change.  But I'll miss stepping over you as you sleep beside my bed.

 Say hello to Thor for me, like you, he left too soon. There will be no more behind you, the ending is just too hard.

Sleep good my friend. Your kind spirit, and unconditional love, can never be matched. The whole neighborhood will miss you, as you brought laughter and joy to everyone who met you. I, however, will miss you the most.

Love you.


  1. Kelvin, I am so sorry to hear of your loss.
    It is very hard. Remember her for all the good memories and the good times you had together.

  2. I'm sorry for your loss, he is a great friend unconditional love. Hang in there Kelvin. You got a really good portrait of him...remember that friendly, sweet face and not the tumor.

  3. Kelvin,

    I am really sorry to hear about your loss. My heart goes out to you. Abby is now resting and watching over you for always.

  4. Hi Kelvin - I'm so very sorry for your loss of Abby. It's always difficult, no matter how long they stay with us. I lost both of my dogs last year and know how hard it can be -- especially when it is cancer. My little girl had hemangiosarcoma, so I understand that watching and waiting to make that decision. Abby is waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge and I don't think one ever looses that sense of "awareness". She's watching over you, now.

  5. Kelvin, I am so sorry for your loss of Abby. I know from your FB postings how much she meant to you. How lucky she was to have YOU. I have lost many and its never easy. They are our unconditional friends. On our worst days they are the ones most forgiving and uplifting to us. They never ask for much and we always gladly give them more. This will be very hard for you. No easy way to say it. I hope you are comforted in all the good memories you have and think how lucky you were to have her as long as you did. Joanne K.

  6. Kelvin,

    As you know, I have been there so I can understand how you feel.

    Sorrow is part of the healing process.

    Have no guilt on your part, you went beyond the call of duty.


  7. Kelvin, Sorry to hear about Abby. I wish I had met her, she sounds like a wonderful girl. Don't say there will never be another one.. I know losing a dog hurts, but remember all the joy they bring to your life and that there are many dogs in need of a good home.

  8. Kelvin,

    A beautiful tribute to a wonderful friend.

