Saturday, September 4, 2010

When the wind blows

When the wind is blowing and I don't particularly feel like going out, it is the weekend and the roads are crowded, it's entertaining to look back of some of the images taken earlier this summer. This trip I had Abby with me and it was difficult keeping up with her and trying to focus on what I was attempting to do. It's especially difficult for me to concentrate on HDR images since that's a process I'm not really comfortable with. This caboose is located in a little town south of me, and I was able to capture a few images that I liked.

One of the free-ranging canines started to come over and investigate so we left. When these images were first processed, I wasn't that happy with them and thought it was probably a wasted trip. Now that time has passed I feel that I'm not that dissatisfied with them. Sometimes a fresh look will change your perspective.


  1. I like these, what a great find! Sometimes it helps to put time between the capture and a final decision. Very nice. Great color and texture.

  2. Nice work I call it fermentation...I think these are worthy images! Thanks for sharing...

  3. Thanks Nancy and Karen. I like that fermentation.

  4. Kelvin

    really like the series especially the first & second shots! Great job!
