Friday, September 17, 2010

Not much shaking.....

but we did have a nice gentle rain last night. Not much shaking today but sitting here listening to a little Jack Johnson on the IPod. There was a fairly decent sunrise at the marina this morning.

There were two different moods on two different docks to choose from. I think I would have called these piers when I was in the Navy?

Think I'll choose the bright orange one to begin the day on a bright note. While I had a hard time processing the orange sky, a little NIK Glamor Glow seems to have evened it out.

Alvin was there scampering among the rocks. He hangs out there every morning, and he's getting so used to me that he ran right be beside my foot at one point.

There he goes behind the blue lock that secures the kayaks from theft. Interesting enough I'll go back and retake that lock without the chipmunk.

not much shaking...........

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful sunrise. Love the orange. Alvin is a cutie! Thanks for sharing.
