Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Fooling around with the D-90 and 80-400mm lens.

Wild life, two words.

Great Blue Heron searching for food.

Oops, he came up with nothing after all that time and work invested.

Here he had moved over a few feet and came up with ........ a leaf. No entitlement programs here, so he moved on and was fishing another spot the last I saw him. You work, or you don't eat.

This guy just doesn't want me to photograph him so he keeps swimming further out whenever I get near, but I'll keep trying. I prefer photographing animals in their natural environment as opposed to shooting in the zoo, but zoo photography can be fun, I just credit the zoo. So far I haven't "shot" any captive animals. It seems to me that would be like hunting over a baited field, therefore not as challenging. I think I would give credit to the organization that owned the animal though, and certainly wouldn't try to pass it off as being "in the wild." Nothing wrong with that if that's what you prefer, it's just not my style. I'm not sure my photoshop techniques are good enough to clone the tethers off the birds feet either. And if an owner does pose his animal for you, do you say "cheese" before snapping the shutter?

Just some pesky geese in a nice reflection. Nature is beautiful, even on a dreary day.

Friday, November 19, 2010


I headed over to Starbucks to do a little workin' women watching over a cup of coffee and a bagel before heading over to the Marina with the camera. Lightroom 3 has been improved in many different ways, but if you don't watch what you're doing when you download images, it's a real pain finding them.

Ducks were there, and not much else.

That's not the order I wanted to download, but it really doesn't make any difference. It's just that kind of day.

Below is autumn as seen through the window over my front door. That's a Bradford pear tree in my neighbors yard, the leaves of which fall on my yard. My neighbor won't rake the leaves up, claims she's too busy, so after cleaning up my section a couple of times I just start blowing them back on her. She doesn't notice so what the hell?

After taking the duck photos at the marina, I headed over to the Dunkin' donuts to see what they had to offer. I think the coffee there was disappointing, and the donut just ok. At least they had a tv to watch, but from now on I think I'll just have my coffee at home where it tastes much better, and is a lot cheaper.