Saturday, December 18, 2010

I need to find something else to do

It's only mid-December, and I'm going to have to find something else to do. But until then, these backyard birds don't cease to amaze me. My neighbors need to put their feeders out, and soon.

They watch me watch them.

This must be the female downy woodpecker. There's also one with a red spot that must be the male.

Downy woodpecker in motion. Yep, I'm getting bored.

Some of these Eastern Bluebirds have a more vibrant blue color than others.

These don't normally perch in the tree for me.

These guys are pretty entertaining.

House finch that could probably use a little "catch light" in it's eye.

I believe this is a goldfinch in it's winter colors. Or it could be a female.

I believe this is a house wren. Identification would be a lot easier if they looked exactly like their descriptions and sketches as depicted in the "Quick Guide."

There are probably more birds processed, but I've had enough. I'm headed for the bar where I'll contemplate my next project.

Friday, December 17, 2010

More of the usual suspects

I'm beginning to wonder if I'm the only person on the block that's got a feeder out this year as I'm being covered up with hungry birds here lately. There are a couple of mourning doves that like to hang out on the bird bath. They must enjoy the company of the other birds because I never see them on the hanging feeder. I guess they aren't made to eat that way.

          The male cardinal decided to pose for a while

                 Here he's looking like what you might see at the mall

                   Yesterday's female Cardinal, just too pretty to leave out.

                        and again

              The bluejays don't normally land on this limb, and they don't stay still long

                 These Eastern Bluebirds aren't doing a very good job of posing this year

                   These guys bring back sunflowers from the feeder and hold them in their feet to eat

Thursday, December 16, 2010

First, and hopefully last, snow of the season

The usual suspects were hitting the feeder today, which along with the snow falling, made for some pretty images. The brown ones all look alike to me, but I think there were some differences if one really wanted to correctly identify them. I'm just killing time till it warms up.

                                                            Female Cardinal, for sure

                                                           Might be an Oven bird

                                                                   Downy Woodpecker

                                    Another female Cardinal, the males are shy with those bright red coats they wear

                                                  Not sure what this guy is

                                                     Tufted titmouse, an unusual name

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wreath laying, Arlington National Cemetery, December 11, 2010

I think the images speak for themselves.

The following were the most difficult to take, from the "new" section where loved ones were placing personal gifts of love to those that would never again make it home for the holiday.

Here a mother sits in front of her Marine Corp son. Simply awful.