Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Harper's Ferry, WV

Today's weather forecast called for overcast skies and periodic rain showers, so I thought it would be a good time to check out the fall color at Harper's Ferry. It's not that long a drive from my house, but after running into workday traffic, detours, shovel ready job sites and "short-cuts," I arrived at the destination 1 1/2 hours after anticipated arrival time.

This tree was one of the few that had good color, so I worked it a couple of different ways. Over all I think there is more color at the local water hole than there is at WV. In my younger days I spent a lot of time at the local watering hole, but the scenery was a lot different. That's a whole different story, and besides, I can't remember most of it.

This is the other colorful tree in town. I guess I screwed up because from this angle you can't really tell that rock building is really a building/house within a building.

The globe really needs to be cleaned out before it's turned on since it's full of spider webs and dirt.

A lot of photographers like to include s-curves, c's, v's, angles, lines and such within their images. This looks like a rooftop to me. I just like to take pictures.

Looks like a BMW prototype hanging outside a local restaurant. That's for my BMW motorcycle owner friends. They'll probably claim it's a Harley. :-)

I'm pretty sure I know what the phrase "red light district" means, but I'm not too sure what the red curtains imply. Perhaps this house hasn't had electricity wired yet. Notice the absence of color over the rooftop.

Local city laundromat?

I carried two dx camera bodies with me, one with a wide angle lens and one with a 70-200mm. All the images here were taken with the body that had the 70-200mm on. I find that not only am I getting too lazy to change glass, I'm too lazy to take one camera body and lens off the tripod to put the other one on. Hey, I'm not a paid professional photographer, I just want to have fun and enjoy the day outside.

All in all a nice morning out. At least the trip back home went quicker than the route up. Could be I didn't take any short-cuts on the return trip, although I did get turned around in Leesburg. Don't let me get started on all the new traffic circles that have been installed instead of traffic lights. I'm still dizzy from going around, and around, in circles trying to find my way out and back to the route I was originally on.

and so it goes...........


  1. Looks like a productive morning. No fog? We were socked in up here. I had to laugh at your comment about s-curves, c-curves, v's lines, etc.
    Funny. Most important is that you had fun. Nice images and blog. Roundabouts are curves....

  2. Ha! nice stories, great images. I have shot Harpers Ferry before and really like it as a shoot, especially when it's not over run with tourists. Been out to The Virginia Arboretum and Millwood? Both great places and not quite as far, with no roundabouts.

  3. I enjoy the laundry shot and the way you chose to juxtapose the fall colored leaves against the stone buildings. Too bad about the traffic getting there!
