Thursday, October 28, 2010

The spider must have sat down beside her

as there were webs galore at the marina this morning, and not a single spider to be found. I went with the 70-200mm and a wide angle not expecting to finding anything out of the ordinary. The water was muddy from rain off following the heavy rains yesterday, and it was also filled with discarded plastic water bottles.

There were colorful leaves though.

No macro, so I shot this with the 70-200mm. I have to remember to take Canon close-up lens at all times.

A wide angle will focus close though. Here I stopped the lens down just far enough to see the autumn color and reflection in the trees behind the web.

Since I live only 3 miles from here, I ran home and got the 105mm macro and shot the three webs above. It wasn't as calm as when I had first arrived, which made it a little harder to maintain a close focus.

I don't know what you call that mess, but I thought the flower webbed over and covered with water droplets was pretty cool.

1 comment:

  1. Great spider webs with the dew drops. I like "the mess". Great job.
