Friday, October 22, 2010

Local water hole

I may regret it, but the air was still this morning and I headed out to the local water hole to do a little experimenting with color I knew would be there. I took the D-90, a 70-200mm and a tripod. I had other equipment along, but being lazy I didn't change any out. I know of one friend that doesn't even bother to take a tripod. Shame on her, she knows who she is. :-)

The D-90 only does three frames multiple exposures, which is what this is along with a little zooming back and forth. I don't think I had the gain set properly, but NIK brillance/warmth and glamor glow brought out the colors.

Single shot reflection of the opposite bank as seen from the boat ramp.

I think one of the rules of photography is not to split the scene. That's the way it was, so that's the way it is. One shot zoom with ducks sliding through top of the lower third.

A beaver was passing through this image of fall reflections. You can see him on the lower right hand corner. This is one of my favorite spots to shoot, and one of the closest. Driving around for something to shoot is for younger people. I'm lazy, and just want to enjoy the morning.

Reflection of the far, far side of the river. Why waste time and gas when scenery like this available virtually in my backyard. I would like to visit Alaska next summer though, and that's a haul.

".... and so it goes."

1 comment:

  1. Zoom blurs are fun, never know what you'll get.
    Beautiful color and reflection here. Glad you're feeling better...chicken noodle soup is a winner.
