Wednesday, October 6, 2010

New external hard drives, and downloaded images are going somewhere.

I swapped out external hard drives yesterday and thought I had the new one set up the same way as the one that was replaced. Wrong. Apparently I didn't have the Raid management set up the same way as before, so when I adjusted Raid management this morning, images I had already downloaded were erased. Luckily some of the images were still on the compact flash card, while others were deleted/reformatted and most likely gone forever. A backup external drive has been added to the system, but I can't find a durn thing on it. Live and learn.

While Lightroom doesn't appear to be set up the same as before, I am able to find some of the images that were downloaded.

There were two bald eagles hanging around pre-dawn, but well before the sky lightened they took off. One eagle was that was hanging around two days before pulled the same stunt by circling low overhead and then bugging out before good light. Herons have been noticed by their absence, possibly because of the eagles?

Geese were flying overhead, as they usually are. Fun to practice birds-in-flight with, but not very exotic.

When all else fails, shoot some upended canoes.

More captive canoes.

Time to get the Lightroom book out and see what I've done wrong this time. I thinking maybe I should take up fishing, and swap gear with the disgruntled fisherman from the other day.

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